This composite scheme for the redevelopment of a five storey hotel, outbuildings, garden area and informal car parking has enabled a separate and alternative access to the premises to provide redevelopment of the existing hotel building together with new flats over a portico design and other associated buildings conversions entirely in accordance with the Conservation Area status of this part of Ross-on-Wye town centre. A successful argument was made that the scheme enhanced the local area.
Eventually the scheme, following further negotiations, incorporated five new build town houses within the former Victorian garden area and curtilage of the existing Listed premises.
Whilst the former hotel is a Listed building, it is always vital to discover the nature of any Listing. Quite often people think that every aspect of a property, if it is Listed, benefits from the Listing. This is often not the case. It may be, for example, that merely one feature, say a staircase within a building, comprises the Listing rather than the building structure or facade.