With regard to surface water drainage, this is usually a soakaway event by means of permeable pavements or traditional soakaways dug away from the footings of the development building. There are standard methods to deal with and filtration rates for domestic and industrial soakaways. P.P.S. has experience with regard to surface water disposal on site and by way of these standard methods and a number of specialist methods.  Nevertheless, it is imperative to check that the Local Authority will accept the remedies proposed prior to furthering a planning application.

It is now virtually forbidden to discharge surface water into a foul sewage pipe and heavy penalties are attached if this is carried out.

As far as foul drainage is concerned, the most effective way is by discharge to a maintained foul sewer. It is good practice to check the capacity of a local sewage works with the relevant Water Authority prior to embarking upon a housing project.

If there is no capacity in the local sewage works, there is an ability to either pay for an upgrade to the works, if this is cost-effective, or accept a planning permission by way of a form of Grampian condition, whereby the development is allowed when the Statutory Undertaker in its capital programme, upgrades those works.

There are a variety of private sewage treatment works and other mechanisms for the disposal of foul sewage, P.P.S. can advise on a range and cost, particularly on septic tanks and the size that is required with regard to minor or major developments.

Care must be taken that if treated water is discharged to a watercourse or other facility, that the necessary consents are in place and have been agreed prior to commencing the development. Licenses are required to discharge from a variety of Agencies.

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